Hi there, and welcome to a new Hugi issue!
This issue is the result of the work since February 2005, when Hugi #30 was released. It's not a "huge disk mega zine", but we've tried to make it a collection of fine articles with decent graphics and music. You'll see yourself what the highlights of this issue are.
What I'd like to mention here is that Polaris wants to continue his "Creating Demos - Coder Tutorials" in Hugi. For this reason the first couple of chapters, which were previously published in the online magazine SceneRep, have been republished in this Hugi issue. It's a tutorial for beginners and really starts with the most basic things explained in an easy to understand fashion.
Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this issue! Now read the fruit of your work, before it's time to start writing your articles for Hugi #32.